Hall of Nature Guardians

They exist, these great people who rise above themselves to help protect our environment and preserve the earth as we know it for future generations. They are people from all walks of life and every age group who have one thing in common: They care about the future of our world. They don't just sit back and do nothing, they get involved wherever they can: in their everyday lives, at work and also by providing long-term, sustainable support for targeted environmental protection projects.



These are the very people who make up the Greenfinity community. Among these people there are also some special ones that we call Nature Guardians. What makes them special is their extremely strong sense of responsibility and extraordinary commitment, which drives them to make a long-term and sustainable contribution. Their regular donations allow us to plan for the long term and target our efforts for the greatest impact. They help us reforest forests or olive groves and build wells, help us strengthen bee populations in Austria, and promote organic or pesticide-reduced farming in poorer regions of the world. Thanks to them, we can help advance the triumph of solar energy and promote awareness, restore nature and protect natural paradises. In short, our work would not be possible without them!


That's why we created the Hall of Nature Guardians. A virtual place where we want to immortalize and honor our most dedicated fellow warriors for a healthier world.


A big THANK YOU to each and every one of you!

Antal Gergics

Sustainability has always been important in my life. However, since I can actively support the operation of Greenfinity, I feel the opportunity and hope to raise not only my family and grandchildren according to these values. With the help of the projects created so far, I was able to draw the attention of thousands of children and families to the importance of maintaining our planet, so that future generations can also enjoy the world in which we grew up.

~Antal Gergics


József Kurucz

Nature is a wonderful gift to be appreciated and protected. I want to help my grandchildren and our children learn to love and respect this beautiful planet from a young age! The Greenfinity Foundation gives me this opportunity!

~József Kurucz

Ede Buser

With the growing challenges facing our natural world, it is important that we all do our part to protect our planet. The Greenfinity Foundation is committed to a clear goal with effective projects: to preserve the earth for future generations. I am passionate about being part of the GFF community and actively contributing to protecting our environment and creating sustainable change.

~Ede Buser