World Bicycle Day

There are many good reasons for taking the bike


The European Bicycle Day already exists since 1998. Three years ago, a world day was also dedicated to the much-loved bicycle: On April 12, 2018, the UN decided to declare June 3 as the World Bicycle Day in order to raise awareness of the social and environmental benefits of cycling.

The bicycle as a means of reducing emissions


The bicycle is a simple, inexpensive, clean, climate-friendly, sustainable and healthy means of transport. It allows mobility without harmful climate gases, is quiet and requires little traffic area, which counteracts the increasing sealing of the soil.

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Experts estimate that it would be possible to replace up to 30 percent of car commutes with bicycle trips in cities. This would greatly reduce the burden on the environment and promote the health of people living in cities. In fact, a study published in 2015 by the Institute for Transportation and Development Policy concluded, that even an increase of about 20 percent in cycling worldwide could "cut carbon dioxide emissions from urban passenger transport by nearly 11 percent in 2050.”

How would your city look like without any cars?


Take a look at how much space there would be in our cities if there were no cars: Seattle bike Blog

Platzbedarf Autos

6 Reasons to take the bike


Save money


If you go with your bike, you do not only save on gas: when going on short journey with your car, you are shortening the engine’s life. Moreover, the less you use the car, the lower the mileage, the higher the re-sales-price.


You will save time


With the bicycle you can avoid congested roads. Studies show that you are therefore much faster when commuting on your bike, in some cities you can save half the time.


Reduce your coffee intake


Pedalling gets your circulation going which make you more active – without an extry portion of caffeine.

Spare your nerves


Being stuck in traffic can be annoying. If you take the bike you can go with the flow and reach your destination happy and relaxed.




Get healthier


There are tons of studies how cycling has a positive impact on your health: no matter if it is the mere exercise that has positive impact on your cardiovascular system, the extra-dose of vitamin D you get when being exposed to a sunny bike ride or the fact that with cycling to work you can easily keep your figure – without any additional training.


Save the planet – save yourself


While holding on to old habits may be comfortable, we will have to face a less cosy future. When we keep going on polluting our planet, we are digging our own grave: we do need a healthy environment to stay healthy. 


Greenfinity e-bike rental


In order to promote the bicycle as an alternative means of transportation, especially for short distances, we have initiated an e-bike rental service for myWorld Austria employees. This allows employees to attend their appointments away from the office and travel in an environmentally friendly manner.


GFF ebikes